ZIRCONIUM (Ceramic Tooth Veneer Without Metal Support)

What is Zirconium Coating?
Dental veneers are mostly applied in the form of porcelain veneers. Dental veneers are divided into two as metal-supported and non-metal-supported. Dentists also have more aesthetic treatment approaches for patients who need a more aesthetic smile. These aesthetic needs make it more frequently used in the treatment of zirconium substructure teeth, which is a more aesthetic approach in dentistry. Zirconium, which is a white substance used in tooth making, is converted into zirconia ceramic instead of pure mineral form and processed in special furnaces. Zirconium dental veneers are from the group of metal-free veneers and offer a more natural appearance compared to metal-supported veneers.

What is the advantages of Zirconium Coating?
Since the light transmittance of zirconium tooth crowns is higher than metal-supported crowns, it does not create a dark color on the gums and you will not encounter problems such as black color reflection from the gingival edge, which is possible in metal-coated porcelain teeth in the future. In addition to this, zirconium dental veneer also provides a healthier, more transparent and more natural appearance thanks to the fact that the zirconium allows the light to pass through, the dull appearance that may occur on the teeth disappears, and the teeth get the closest appearance to their original state. In addition to providing an aesthetic and natural appearance, zirconium coating is also important for your gum health. Because zirconium crowns are more compatible with the gums, and the gum disease around the teeth with zirconium crowns is less likely than metal-supported crowns.
Zirconium crown is an ideal type of dental treatment for patients who are white, resistant to heat and allergic to metal. Thanks to the light transmittance of the zirconium tooth coating, the matte appearance disappears, providing a more natural and more aesthetic appearance. People who use zirconium tooth coating do not have hot cold sensitivity. In addition, it is more durable than metal teeth and is preferred more in front teeth due to its natural appearance. Zirconium minimizes staining caused by smoking or other reasons, does not cause bad breath, does not cause gum problems and does not cause taste changes in the mouth. [ref:OkanDiş]