What is Prosthetic Dental Treatment?

The process of replacing the function and aesthetics of lost teeth by using various prostheses is called prosthetic dental treatment. Many alternative prosthetic methods can be applied in the rehabilitation of the missing tooth or area.

Types of Prosthesis

1. Fixed Prostheses: These are prostheses made with support from the teeth or implants in the mouth and fixed to these teeth with various chemicals. Crowns and bridges, which are called 'veneers' in the society, are this type of prosthesis.
2. Removable Prostheses: In cases where fixed prosthesis cannot be made; They are prostheses that are supported by tissue (skeletal prostheses) in some cases, and in some cases only by tissue (total prostheses), and can be removed when desired.

Fixed Prosthesis? or Removable Prosthesis?

Considering factors such as chewing capacity, aesthetic factors, ease of use, oral hygiene, fixed prostheses have been seen to be much more advantageous.
Considering these factors, we always try to treat our patients with a fixed prosthesis in the first place.
In cases where there is not enough dental support, we try to apply fixed treatment by using implants.
Today; With the widespread use of implant applications, the use of removable prosthesis in our patients has decreased a lot.
If the patient is not suitable for implant application and there are not enough support teeth for the fixed prosthesis in the mouth, then we try to treat it with the most suitable removable prosthesis.
In patients who have their own teeth in the mouth but cannot provide sufficient support for a fixed prosthesis; We can apply "precision attachment prostheses" consisting of a combination of fixed and removable prostheses.
In conclusion; A prosthesis prepared in line with the condition of the teeth and tissues in the mouth, X-ray examinations and the patient's wishes will enable the patient to perform the chewing and speaking functions perfectly, replace the lost aesthetic appearance, protect the chewing system including the muscles and jaw joint, and facilitate the patient's adoption of the prosthesis.