PINK AESTHETIC (Gum Treatment and Aesthetic Applications)

Every person wants to smile beautifully. It's not enough to have pearly teeth for a perfect smile. Your gums also need to be compatible with your teeth. In order for us to say that the gums, which are firmly attached to the teeth and are still completely healthy, must be pink in color. Medicine is not helpless in this situation either, it gives you a perfect smile with “Pink Aesthetics”.
The digital age and technology that is advancing without slowing down now offers alternatives and various solutions in many issues. Developments in the field of dental aesthetics are one of them. While getting a dental filling was a very painful process in the past, now it is possible to have a perfect smile with gum aesthetics, called pink aesthetics. So, how does the process work in gingival aesthetics? We save you from the question marks in your mind.
Here are the topics that you are curious about..!

Holistic Approach

Many factors affect dental aesthetics together. The perfect alignment and smooth appearance of the teeth is not always sufficient in terms of dental aesthetics. For this reason, a holistic approach should be adopted when it comes to dental aesthetics and the treatment process should be planned according to the patient's condition. So, what are these holistic approaches and analyzes that affect aesthetics? First of all, whether the teeth are in proper alignment and form is extremely important in this aesthetic treatment process... The harmony of the teeth with the gums and the surrounding soft tissue, the gum level that appears in some mimic movements such as smiling, unwanted pigmentations on the front teeth (stains and discolorations on the gums), gingival recession, whether the gum levels are equal and balanced, lip thickness and asymmetrical recession in mimic movements are other factors affecting aesthetics…

Good Oral Care is a Must

Inflammation resulting in swelling and bleeding due to the patient's lack of oral care is among the most common problems in the gums. In such a case, the gums look very unaesthetic as red and swollen. In such cases, the teeth are cleaned mechanically in professional hands, and sometimes laser supportive treatments are applied and a good oral care and hygiene education is given to the patient.

"Gummy Smile" Complaint

The condition called Gummy Smile, in which the gums appear excessively while smiling, is among the conditions that patients complain the most and negatively affect the aesthetics of the smile. The excess gums of the patients who come with this type of complaint are determined first. These excesses are removed painlessly and without bleeding with the help of a cautery device or laser, and the gingiva is leveled. These devices also have positive effects on speeding up recovery. Among the problems seen in the gums, of course, there are gingival recessions caused by aging and some undesirable habits or due to inflammation. In gingival recession, the gingiva taken from another part of the mouth is added to the extraction area and thus the gaps formed as a result of the recessions are closed perfectly.

Pink Aesthetics Methods & Procedures

There is no single method applied in gingival aesthetics, also called Pink Aesthetics. There are different techniques and treatment processes used for different problems.
● Regenerative: It is applied for the restructuring of the supporting tissues, which have been destroyed by gingival diseases, by stimulating the body's own production mechanisms again..
● Gingivectomy: The process of removing excess in the areas of gingival enlargement and deep pockets. Gums are leveled and the patient is given an aesthetic appearance.
● Gingivoplasty: A method applied to correct excessively visible gingiva or asymmetrical levels. A more aesthetic appearance is obtained with complementary prosthetic treatments (Lamina, Zirconium, etc.).
● Crown Length Extension: It is a method in which a longer appearance is obtained by removing excess gum tissue and reshaping the bone in order to tolerate the loss of tissue that has occurred in the teeth over time.

Advantages of Gingival Aesthetics

Gingival aesthetics is a treatment performed not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to ensure the formation of the ideal mouth and tooth structure, to eliminate the disorders that cause gum diseases and tooth loss and disrupt the tooth structure. As a result of this treatment;
● Tooth loss is prevented.
● Tooth lengths are made proportional to other teeth.
● Tooth infections are treated and recurrence is prevented.
● Smile problems are solved with aesthetic concerns.
● Tissues supporting the teeth regain their health. [ref: Dt. BeyzaÜnalGörgün | image: Manda from Seattle/US]